Studio Day 2... "Going Down"...

So... "I'm Going Down"... The working title of this song we recorded today was nothing short of amazing! I knew when I heard Joe Peterson play the first few songs that I asked him for, that he would just NAIL it on this one and he totally did! Joe gave mad piano skills on this tune, and then to bring it all home... he took it to chuch with the B3 Organ! I can't handle sitting there listening to a song of mine come to life, but yet here we are... 

I am again feeling grateful for the amazing talent I am surrounded by with Eric Blomquist, my producer, bringing all these ideas to life and Joe Peterson playing these first recorded tunes... #MindBlown... It seems we all have the same ideas for this song... which feels lucky!

The song title will most likely end up as "Raindrops" or "Pulling Me" ... Looks like it will be a surprise for us all! This is a song about building ourselves up and not concerning ourselves with doubt or hate.. Just filling our own personal dreams, and living our best life! Fighting through the raindrops of self deprication that can keep us down... And rising out of the shadows to finding our authentic happiness and self love! 


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